Entrepreneurs, Independent Contractors, Small and Large Businesses Must Plan and Set Goals

By Rutledge Barton

Any new business entity must have an established business plan as well as a concrete set of goals. Along with The Company Mission Statement, goal setting and planning are essential to the core of any business. Management and employees alike must be on the same page to insure continuity.

Established companies are not immune or insulated from changes in the economy. If they are not ahead of the curve and don't adapt with their competition, growth will be impossible. Ability to plan and set goals for success will keep them viable.

Many of us might not want to admit it, but we will find all kinds of excuses to avoid goal setting and planning for the future. Keep in mind that this adage holds true. "To fail to plan is to plan to fail". Here are several so-called excuses that I've heard and encountered over the years.

I don't see how this can be so important! Remember to always plan ahead. If you don't write your goals down, you are preparing for failure. Knowing subconsciously what needs to be done based on previous years is not good enough. Begin goal planning TODAY for the future or the path to the future will be almost impossible.

There are written goals and there are written goals. In other words, goals do not exist in thoughts only. They must be in writing. Talking to your employees about the plan for the company's success will have no value to the employee. Providing your employees with visual goals will spark their interest even more for their future and the company's.

I write my goals down and then place them in the top draw of my desk. There is more to goal setting and planning than just writing them down. You have to be proactive and implement, supervise and coordinate your plan or it will not work. Do you think Bill Gates, Warren Buffet or Donald Trump set and planned their success?

Once I write down my goals I only review them once a year. This is definitely another myth or misconception. With the constant changing of today's economy, goal planning must be reviewed quarterly, if not monthly. This will keep you from swerving off course and adapt your road to success. Evaluating your goals frequently must now become a common practice.

We must constantly adjust our goals to determine if increased production is approached in a timely manner or if a reduction in sales or staff is more realistic. If we don't take these approaches cautiously, we could be in a financial crisis along with the economy or even in a strong economy. We will always be in a better position knowing the "storm" is coming rather than waiting until after it arrives. - 31387

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