An effective and inexpensive marketing idea that has been around for decades is networking. Social networking via the internet including Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and many others seem to be the latest craze, although time and time again, face to face networking has been successful in bringing together many new contacts and business opportunities for professionals of all industries.
Organized networking groups are everywhere. The Chamber of Commerce, Toastmasters, Business and Networking International, just to name a few, can be found in most major markets throughout the world. With a little homework and minimal cost, you can join one or more groups in your local market and experience the potential of untapped prospects.
Do some research to see if any of these networking groups are of interest to you. One option might be to start your own networking group. Invite likeminded professionals to meet once or twice a month to share ideas and exchange knowledge. This will always give you more control on how many people you want in the group and the different types of business professionals you want to attend.
Either option provides an opportunity to meet people and share ideas with folks who have the same goal in mind. Let's face it; we all want more prospects, clients, customers or buyers. No matter what you have to offer, someone else needs what you have and the success of any business starts with getting in front of more people.
Be sure you bring several business cards. Give at least two business cards to everyone you meet. You will want to envision this person giving your card to one of their friends or colleagues as well.
Most networking groups will start off by allowing you to introduce yourself. Take about two minutes to "tout" yourself, your product and your services. You will be in the "spotlight" for a brief moment, so make the best of it. Practice and rehearse what you will say when called upon. This will be your moment to put forth your best impression.
When joining or starting a networking group, evaluate the variety of professions attending. If there are only 10 people in the group, are they all real estate professionals? If there are a mixture of real estate professionals, Insurance Broker, Doctors and Contractors, which one would be a bigger plus to enhancing your business objectives? These questions are important so consider them carefully.
Social or group networking, a fantastic and inexpensive way to meet new people. If organized correctly, it will take a minimal amount of your time and increase your productivity in business. And think of it this way, the worst case scenario is you make a few friends. - 31387
Organized networking groups are everywhere. The Chamber of Commerce, Toastmasters, Business and Networking International, just to name a few, can be found in most major markets throughout the world. With a little homework and minimal cost, you can join one or more groups in your local market and experience the potential of untapped prospects.
Do some research to see if any of these networking groups are of interest to you. One option might be to start your own networking group. Invite likeminded professionals to meet once or twice a month to share ideas and exchange knowledge. This will always give you more control on how many people you want in the group and the different types of business professionals you want to attend.
Either option provides an opportunity to meet people and share ideas with folks who have the same goal in mind. Let's face it; we all want more prospects, clients, customers or buyers. No matter what you have to offer, someone else needs what you have and the success of any business starts with getting in front of more people.
Be sure you bring several business cards. Give at least two business cards to everyone you meet. You will want to envision this person giving your card to one of their friends or colleagues as well.
Most networking groups will start off by allowing you to introduce yourself. Take about two minutes to "tout" yourself, your product and your services. You will be in the "spotlight" for a brief moment, so make the best of it. Practice and rehearse what you will say when called upon. This will be your moment to put forth your best impression.
When joining or starting a networking group, evaluate the variety of professions attending. If there are only 10 people in the group, are they all real estate professionals? If there are a mixture of real estate professionals, Insurance Broker, Doctors and Contractors, which one would be a bigger plus to enhancing your business objectives? These questions are important so consider them carefully.
Social or group networking, a fantastic and inexpensive way to meet new people. If organized correctly, it will take a minimal amount of your time and increase your productivity in business. And think of it this way, the worst case scenario is you make a few friends. - 31387
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